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$1,000 for 1st Place Women's RX
and for 1st Place Men's RX.
Huge, Brand New Facility with Trail and Beautiful View.
Over half a Mile of extreme trail run with over 100ft of elevation.
Portion of the Proceeds go to helping a 2021 CrossFit adaptive athlete get back to the games!
College Football on All Day!
UFC 268 being Shown that Night
Food Trucks, DJ, and Vendors
Hosted by CrossFit Panther City, Rumble at the Ranch is a 2 person, same-sex team competition! 3 levels of challenge for you and your partner with Rx'd, Intermediate and Scaled divisions available.
1,000 DOLLAR CASH PRIZE for first place RX'd Men and Women. 2nd and 3rd place RX'd Men and Women will also receive a cash prize (amount tbd).
RXd: All CF Open movements Rx'd and be able to move heavier weights and perform higher-level gymnastic movements. Deadlift - 275/185, Power Clean - 185/125, Power Snatch - 135/95, Bar Muscle Ups and/or C2B, Strict and/or Deficit HSPU.
Intermediate: All CF Open movements RX'd, weights will be slightly less than RX'd. Deadlift 225/155, Power Clean - 135/95, Power Snatch - 95/65, C2B and/or Pull-ups, Kipping HSPU.
Scaled: Deadlift 165/105, Power Clean- 95/65, Power Snatch - 75/55, Ring Rows, Push-ups (modified for Women's scaled).